Read once and destroy…

November 5, 2007 at 8:57 pm (Uncategorized) (, , )

I catch onto things slowly. Harry Potter, sushi, cellular phones, sexual activity – fads and institutions I was a bit slow on the uptake on, due to snobbish resistance, obliviousness, or other factors. And now you can ad blogging to the list. Why blog? Why me? Why now? Well, I must admit there has been popular demand, though I suspect it is more because all my friends are bored at work and less because I actually might have something useful, witty, informative or entertaining to say. But hey, Random House isn’t exactly offering me a six-figure advance for my memoirs, and this is probably better than my family morbidly flipping through my journals once I’m ashes and dust. Yes, it’s an indulgence of narcissism, but no more so than your average Woody Allen film. So anyway, feel free to become a faithful reader (if you read my blog, I’ll read yours and such). And if you don’t like it, you can return to downloading porn or stealing music or updating your fantasy football team. Godspeed…

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